How to use the site

This website is intended to provide research-based product efficacy ratings for the professional turfgrass manager.

To learn more about a particular product, type the product name into the top search bar and select from the list of available products. If the particular product you’re interested in does not appear under the search bar, then it has not yet been entered into the site database. If this occurs, please type in a similar product with similar active ingredient(s) to obtain more information about using the product.

To obtain efficacy ratings for a particular product, click on the ‘Turf Pests…’ dropdown menu and then click on the pest group of interest. On the following page, you can click up to 3 pests and the site will add up the efficacy ratings for all 3 pests and the top products will be the top-rated pests for ALL of the selected pests.

For example, to see the top-rated products for dollar spot control just click on the box next to ‘Dollar Spot’, then click ‘Submit’, and the resulting list contains the products sorted by their efficacy against dollar spot. To see the top-rated products for dollar spot AND anthracnose, click the boxes next to both ‘Dollar Spot’ and ‘Anthracnose’, hit ‘Submit’, and the resulting list contains the products sorted by their efficacy against BOTH diseases. Click on the individual product name for more information about using the product.

Always consult pesticide labels prior to purchasing, mixing, and applying pesticides to ensure the products are used in an appropriate manner. The pesticide label is a legal document and failure to follow all rules and regulations outlined in the pesticide label is against federal law and could result in legal action.

For fungicides:

  • 4 = Consistently excellent control under high disease pressure
  • 3 = Consistently excellent control, though some breakdown under high disease pressure
  • 2 = Fair to good control under most conditions, periodic breakdowns in disease control
  • 1 = Control is inconsistent between experiments but performs well in some instances
  • N = No efficacy
  • L = Limited published data on effectiveness

For herbicides:

  • 4-Excellent, greater than 90% prevention or control
  • 3-Good, 75-90% prevention or control
  • 2-Fair, 50-75% prevention or control
  • 1-Poor, less than 50% prevention or control

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